The ʿUyūn al-akhbār is the most complete extant text by an Ismaili author on the history of the Ismaili community from its origins up to Idrīs ʿImād al-Dīn’s own time in the 15th century. The seventh volume, edited here together with a summary English translation, deals in particular with the period of the three Fatimid caliphs, al-Mustanṣir, al-Mustaʿlī and al-Āmir, in addition to the Tayyibi Ismaili community in Yemen.

The author, Idrīs ʿImād al-Dīn (d. 1468), who was himself a leader of the Ṭayyibīs, took a special interest in the commencement of the Ismaili movement in Yaman, in the schism that split the Ismailis into two rival communities following the death of al-Mustanṣir in 1094, and the final rupture with Egypt after the murder of al-Āmir in 1130. He also devotes a substantial portion of this volume to the history of the later Ismailis in Yaman, and the pivotal role of al-Sayyida al-Ḥurra, the famous Ṣulayḥid queen, in establishing the Ṭayyibī Ismaili community of Yaman independent of the Fatimids in Egypt.