Dr. Karen Bauer, who has recently joined the Qur’anic Studies Unit at the IIS from Princeton University, presented a paper on the panel “New Approaches to Tafsir” organised by Dr. Walid Saheh, with Dr. Andrew Rippin responding. Dr. Bauer’s paper was titled “How does customary practice affect Qur’anic interpretation? The case of household roles”. It focused on texts in which exegesis recommending specific behaviour contradicted another normative source, the law. Other scholars on the panel examined the difference between exegetes’ stated intentions in their works of exegesis, and how those intentions support, or contradict, their actual methods of writing exegesis. 

The IIS also participated in book exhibitions. The conference provided an excellent opportunity to showcase the achievements of more than 86 participating book exhibitors. The Institute displayed and promoted the full range of its publications at its bookstall, which was frequently visited by the panel members and other participants for the duration of the conference. Publications in the IIS’ Qur’anic Studies Series, particularly the recently released Word of God, Art of Man, generated noticeable interest.