The South Asian Studies Unit at IIS recently contributed to a film produced for The Ismaili TV. A ten-minute video, directed by IIS Alum Aleem Karmali, recounts the life and voluntary service of Major Abdulla Jaffer Lakhpati. The video was released for International Volunteer Day (5 December 2024) and received over 9,000 views within a week of its publication.
Major Lakhpati (d. 1947) was a Mumbai-based volunteer and one of the founding members of the Ismaili Volunteers in 1919. He was also a poet, artist, and scholar. His life exemplifies notions of loyalty and voluntary service to the Ismaili community, its leadership, and to the wider society.
This video follows IVC 100: A Century of Service, which was created for International Volunteer Day in 2020, also marking the 100th anniversary of the Ismaili Volunteers. Both videos, now available on The Ismaili TV, feature extensive research from IIS.