Translated Contents (originally in Russian)


Chapter 1. The seeker of truth and justice
The era of Nasir Khusraw
The Ismaili movement
The life and works of Nasir Khusraw
Scientific thoughts of Nasir Khusraw

Chapter 2. Theology of Nasir Khusraw
Apparent and hidden meanings of the divine book. Allegoric interpretation of the Quran
The Prophecy and the Imamate

Chapter 3. Teaching on existence
Substantiality of body, matter and form
The accident of being: movement, time, space
The place of humans within the hierarchy of existence
The essence of soul. An interpretation of psychophysical form

Chapter 4. Theory of cognition
The necessity for cognition of the world
The process of cognition. Means of cognition
Reflection of philosophical rationalism in poetry

Chapter 5. Ethical teachings
Philosophical didactics
Moral aspects of the word
The meaning of pleasure. Polemics with Abu Bakr Razi
