Islamic Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation title: Ma‘āṣim al-hudā wa-al-iṣāba fī tafḍīl ‘Alī ‘alā al-ṣaḥāba, an understudied work by the famed Fatimid scholar Ḥamīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī.
Shatha Almutawa (University of Chicago)
Dissertation title: The Use of Narrative in Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa: Imagination at the Intersections of Religion, Philosophy and Science
Farès Gillon (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris)
Dissertation title: Un traité ismaélien primitif, le Kitâb al-Kashf (Livre du dévoilement) attribué au Dâ’î Ja’far B
Mansûr al-Yaman (présentation, édition, traduction, commentaire)
Maryann Shenoda (Harvard University)
Dissertation title: Imagining Persecution: Copto-Arabic Opposition to Islamisation and Arabisation in Fatimid Egypt
Jamel A. Velji (University of California at Santa Barbara)
Dissertation title: Apocalyptic Hermeneutics and the Strengthening of Empire: The Case of the Early Fatimids
Zackery M. Heern (University of Utah)
Dissertation title: Laying Foundations for Orthodoxy: Transformation of Shi'ism during the Time of Muhammad Baqir Bihbihani
Jennifer Pruitt (Harvard University)
Dissertation title: A Tale of Two Cities: Locating the Courtly and the Urban in Classical Fatimid Visual Culture (975-1036 CE)
Hasan Ali Khan (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Dissertation title: Shi‘a Connections of the Sufi Heritage of the Indus Valley: With Special Reference to Ismaili Monuments
Aliaa Ezz El Din El Sandouby (University of California, Los Angeles)
Dissertation title: Remembering the Ahl al-Bayt: The Shrines of the Family of the Prophet in Cairo, Damascus and Aleppo
Orkhan Mir-Kasimov (Sorbonne University)
Dissertation title: A Study of ancient Hurufi texts and manuscripts
Samer Traboulsi (Princeton University)
Dissertation title: The Tayyibi Isma‘ilis in Medieval Yemen: A Case Study in the Formation of an Islamic Sect
David Hollenberg (University of Pennsylvania)
Dissertation title: Interpretation after the End of Days: The Isma‘ili spokesman Ja‘far ibn Mansur al Yaman (d. ca. 980 CE) on Prophets and Politics
Elisabeth Alexandrin (McGill University)
Dissertation title: The Sphere of Walayah: Isma‘ili Ta’wil in Practice according to al-Mu’ayyad (d. 1078 CE)