STEP Alumni

The Institute‘s global alumni body now consists of 734 graduates who are dispersed across the world.

They are supported in their continuing professional and career development through the IIS’ Alumni Relations Unit. STEP graduates will also be UCL and SOAS alumni. The IIS Alumni Association offers our graduates a number of services and benefits, including:

  • Professional development and networking opportunities at Annual Chapter Group meetings of the IIS Alumni Association, Alumni Lecture, and Local Meet & Greet events;
  • Access to funding of up to £1000 for research, publishing monographs and articles, presenting research papers at conferences, and attending courses supporting their research activities;
  • Access to customised Career Support Programme;
  • Leadership opportunities to become a regional President or Secretary for the Alumni Chapter Groups in Asia, Europe or North America;
  • Access to facilities at the Aga Khan Centre, including the Aga Khan Library, London;
  • ShapeAccess to global job opportunities, conferences and events, as well as the international alumni directory via the IIS Alumni Online Community Portal;
  • Opportunities to publish articles in the annual Alumni Magazine which features academic and professional contributions of IIS alumni and much more;
  • The opportunity to become an alumni mentor to current IIS students and new graduates through the IIS Alumni Mentorship Programme;

A range of Continuing Professional Development initiatives are in place for the STEP graduates, enabling them to enhance their skills and capabilities. As the STEP initiative takes root in different countries across the world, many opportunities for teacher exchange are emerging, offering international experience as well as facilitating knowledge-transfer across cultures. Further, with the growing network of Aga Khan Academies and partnerships with schools operated by the Aga Khan Education Services, graduates of STEP have opportunities to teach beyond the religious education system, contributing to the education of secondary students in the wider community.

Read further information on our alumni page.

What our Alumni say?

Rehmat Hussain

Pakistan, C14

"Becoming a STEP teacher is not only a journey of professional and personal transformation but also a journey toward intellectual, social, and spiritual upliftment. It is an absolute privilege to be surrounded by renowned scholars, professors, teachers,  and colleagues having diverse experiences from all around the world along with gaining academic excellence, exposure, and practice of mainstream and religious teaching, to immersing into the London lifestyle. Additionally, both the MA and PGDip programmes equip you with reflective tools and techniques to systematically and critically examine Muslim Societies and academic theories respectively. If teaching and learning is your genuine passion and you want to become a change agent in the field of education, then STEP is the best journey for you to embark upon.”